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Host System Type

xplex can be setup to run on a wide variety of systems (though, some may need more cups of coffee than others); but you can broadly group them into one of these 3 categories:

  1. Use New Cloud Host recommended

    Just create an instance on the cloud provider of your choice, and then follow the guide on how-to run as a Docker container.

  2. Use Existing Cloud Host

    If you’re choosing this option then you don’t need hand-holding, but you should run the checks to ensure the host system has the ports available & won’t run into conflicts.

  3. Use Local System as Host
    Ensure it’s an x86_64 system
    • A lot of homelab servers are ARM based, and xplex doesn’t support it yet.
    • You’re welcome to try, and if you succeed, please share your experience.
    • On a Linux system, you can run uname -m to check the architecture.

    Ensure it’s running a modern OS You should preferably be running Linux, especially if you want to run it natively without Docker. If you’re on Windows or macOS, then you can run xplex with Docker.

    If you have the flexibility to choose the distro, then go with a Debian-based distro like Ubuntu LTS, latest stable version of Debian or OpenMediaVault etc.

    Nothing wrong with other distros, but as we use Debian base images for creating xplex containers, it’s better tested & less likely to have unpredictable surprises.

    Ensure a stable wired network As we’re dealing with video streaming, a stable wired network is a must. If you’re on a wireless network, then you may face issues with latency, packet loss & jitter.

    This has the most instance-to-instance variance & undiscovered edge cases. You should definitely run the checks, and be on the lookout for any issues that you may face.

    But if you’re using this option, then hopefully you know what you’re doing. So, all the best!